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IBM and Google are building it, but who will come?

Quantum Computing Patent Forecast®

February 25, 2021

Unlike many other sectors, the Quantum Computing sector has so far been dominated by a few major hardware developers: IBM, Google, D-Wave Systems, and IonQ, among others. The main question addressed by companies in the sector right now is: how do we get this technology to work? Logically, then, most innovation has focused on how to scale quantum computers to use more qubits and have lower error rates and higher fidelity. However, occasionally, new companies appear in the field with innovations directed to another question: what do we do with these things?

Beit’s first application in the sector was published in December 2020 and quickly issued in February 2021, suggesting that it seeks to make an entrance into the sector. Beit is looking to utilize quantum computing to develop algorithms to solve NP complete complexity problems. Also, arriving in the sector is FEI, a developer of microscope technology that is now looking to leverage quantum technology to improve image quality, according to a newly published application. While quantum hardware development typically requires the labs and staff of a large company or the resources of a well-funded university, the sector could see an great increase in the number of applicants looking to leverage current hardware to solve upcoming problems in science and technology. If the arrival of Beit and FEI is any indication of the direction of the sector, then companies like IBM and Google are at a critical moment of development, in which each of them will likely be vying to produce the system that all the initial client-base will want to use. 

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Quantum Mechanics, Physics, Atoms, Nuclear Physics

Relevant Patent Documents

Patent US10922618  

Application US20210049493  

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Quantum computing is the use of quantum-mechanical phenomena, such as superposition and entanglement, to perform computation.

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Quantum computing is the use of quantum-mechanical phenomena, such as superposition and entanglement, to perform computation.