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Mining Crytopcurrency Out at Sea

Z-ARCHIVE-Cryptocurrency Patent Forecast®

June 11, 2020

The large amount of energy required for intense computational work such as cryptocurrency mining is an ongoing issue, and liquid cooling is one solution that's been explored since the early days of PC development. But what if instead of bringing water to your computer system, you put your computer in the sea?

Lone Gull's most recently issued patent is for a self-powered computing buoy, a floating device that utilizes the surrounding water and wind to cool down its components while powering computationally expensive tasks such as cryptocurrency mining, complex simulations, and artificial intelligence. The patent also claims a drone charging system, which could greatly enhance the range of drones flying over large bodies of water. In addition to the present invention, Lone Gull's IP portfolio includes systems for wave-powered power generation as well as a wind-powered computing buoy. However, you don't have to worry about running into one of these devices out in the water just yet as Lone Gull has not appeared to commercialize any of these products thus far.

Buoy, Beacon, Warning, Setting Of Buoys, Shipping

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Z-ARCHIVE-Cryptocurrency   Patent Forecast®

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Since the 2009 Bitcoin whitepaper, crypto currencies have risen in value, enabled decentralized global trade, but also endured market value fluctuation, theft, and use as tender for illegal transactions.