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McAfee is Cracking Down on Cryptomining

Z-ARCHIVE-Cryptocurrency Patent Forecast®

February 20, 2020

Modern computers often have always-on Internet connections, providing greater exposure to security threats. McAfee is looking to reduce this exposure by employing cryptojacking detection techniques, with a specific focus on cryptomining.

Cryptojacking detection would first perform partial signal processing on a data set in order to classify it as either suspicious or not suspicious. A data set is classified as suspicious if it is determined to represent a portion of a cryptomining operation. This process is repeated until the system determines a device as operating a cryptomining function or not. If a cryptomining function is being performed and is not authorized, the system initiates remedial action.

This publication comes just after McAfee announced an extension to its partnership with Samsung, focusing on protecting consumer's personal data and information from online threats. While this partnership initially only applied to Samsung's smartphones, this extension includes incorporating these practices and protections into Samsung's PCs and laptops.

Cryptocurrency, Mining, Crypto Mining, Ethereum, Money

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Application US20200053109  

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Z-ARCHIVE-Cryptocurrency   Patent Forecast®

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Since the 2009 Bitcoin whitepaper, crypto currencies have risen in value, enabled decentralized global trade, but also endured market value fluctuation, theft, and use as tender for illegal transactions.